Friday, August 14, 2015

Why "Save Marriage" is not in our priority , It's always learned in the CRISIS MODE?

What are the three common things one finds on the internet?

First - How to earn money fast.

Second - How to lose weight fast.

Third - How to create a website using WordPress (it really goes back to First! But it's at least about learning something new)

Everyone is looking to become successful. And these are the terms in which success has been defined by our society. Earn money, look good and have a skill. This enables one again to earn money.

But what is success?

Well... it's not achieving just these three; there are three more things. That is according to The Great Pandit Vishnu Sharma.

Six things, in the order he said are:

1. Health

2. Knowledge

3. Money

4. Great Life Partner

5. Great Kids

6. Great Friends

See? Success lies more in relation, then money, and then health (health… mind you, not just good looks!)

So now the question is, are you successful?

It's one’s duty to try to live the fulfilling life according to one’s wish. This is one’s Dharma. To be successful without hurting anyone or as less as possible we are hurting someone, somewhere or something just by our mere presence. But each one has right to pursuit of the success as one sees fit.

Let's start with Relations. The most important and fundamental relation in the nucleus family is marriage. A successful and happy marriage is the basis of success of the individual and of the society at large.

In America, 50% of first marriages fail. This is not all, 60% of second marriages fail too. This is very a scary and eye opening statistic. According to the American Psychology Society, divorce is known to be more PAINFUL than death of a close family member. So isn't it strange and sad that so many people go through divorce despite that? After all, they got married willingly and knowing the person well enough.

It happens because there isn't enough stress in our society in formal training on marriage. There isn't any formal or informal training in general on how to nurture one’s marriage and relation. So when one faces challenges in marriage he/she isn't prepared to handle it. One doesn't know how to SAVE THE MARRIAGE!

There appears to be implicit assumption that the knowledge of how to nurture a relation comes naturally. Well it doesn't! Everyone learns it the hard way (or some wise ones by learning through other's marriages - if they are lucky to have good examples around!)

Marriage is CRITICAL to the foundation of any society; it's needed to be protected. And personally, when a DIVORCE happens, everyone connected to that gets HURT - not just the couple and kids (if unfortunately involved) and couple's friends and families. Everyone is dragged in it. And more importantly, it doesn't END! Divorce never ends ---- because you are always "Divorced" after a divorce. Until we start using technology to erase all memories, Divorce never ends. And even after we get the technology to erase divorce memories... Divorces will still stay on.

Happy person is irresistible to Ex Partner.

So Divorce is a bad idea, an evil ---- unless of course - the extreme exceptions of domestic violence and some crazy stuff out there! Check out some tips on saving marriage.

There is an attempt to streamline training on nurturing, sustaining and surviving a marriage through informal professional programs. Most of these professional programs available on internet are good. These programs demand some work on part of the person who wants to save the marriage; these programs also help a person reflect on where the individuals were wrong. Those usually are picked up in emergency situations though. So that’s the hard way of learning. But at least there is a way now. Thanks to the internet.

Most of these products teach one how to be Self Sufficient for Happiness. Such self-sufficient person becomes irresistible to one’s partner. Everyone wants to be with a HAPPY PERSON!

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